Sản phẩm

Sản phẩm

Sản phẩm

Giỏ hàng
Sáng lấp lánh
Sức Khỏe Là Vàng & Giấc Ngủ Là Kim Cương
Điện thoại đặt hàng: 0975484770
  • You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and a.hienthi=1' at line 1syntax error: select a.id as idsp,a.tenkhongdau as tenkhongdausp,a.type as typesp,a.ten as tensp,a.mota as motasp,a.photo as photosp,b.ten as tendm,b.tenkhongdau as tenkhongdaudm from table_product a inner join table_product_danhmuc b on a.id_danhmuc=b.id where a.type='san-pham'and a.id= and a.hienthi=1